Email Agreements are Legally Binding. ROGER That
Aug 15, 2023

Whether you're a sales executive closing a deal or a gym owner sending a liability waiver, getting that “Yes” quickly and with certainty is essential - time kills all deals.
While electronic signatures are an improvement over traditional paper contracts, they can still create friction. Requiring clients to create accounts, sign in, and manually input signatures may make the process feel overwhelming, causing delays and cold feet.
DocuSign and similar e-signature platforms are great for complex agreements like home purchases or mergers. However, for more routine contracts like non-disclosure agreements, sales proposals, waivers, and service terms, they often create unnecessary complications.
A common misconception is that legal contracts must always be long, formal documents executed with official signatures. In fact, emails can be legally binding, as upheld by courts in various business cases. The terms of an agreement, along with a first name or initials, can be enough to make an agreement enforceable.
How Emails Make Legal Contracts Easy
Incorporating a simple phrase like "non-binding proposal" or "for discussion purposes" can ensure the agreement isn’t legally binding during negotiation stages. Once the terms are final, contracts sent via email are just as legally enforceable as those signed with a wet signature.
Say hello to ROGER.
ROGER is the easiest and most convenient way for your clients to give you that “Yes.” ROGER’s 1-Click Accept button is securely embedded in email so your clients can accept any agreements with the least amount of effort. They click the button once and it’s done. No more going through the hassle of creating an account, logging in, entering a name, and drawing signatures.
Let ROGER help you get that “Yes.”